Unique Ways to Speed Up Weight Loss

Most people who are trying to lose weight know they need to eat right and exercise. Losing weight without those two essentialities is an extremely difficult endeavor. But there are some unique methods of weight loss that can help in the process.


Water with lemon

Drinking water with lemon should be an everyday habit of those who are trying to lose weight. Drinking a couple glasses of water with lemon before meals will help you eat less. This should start before your breakfast and continue prior to lunch and dinner.

Aroma before and after meals

It has been proven that some aromas will help curb your appetite. Try smelling some fresh apples right before you eat, and it may cut back on how much you will want to eat during that meal. And after dinner, light a vanilla scented candle. That particular aroma induces your brain with chemical reactions that will decrease your hunger.

Spicy lunches

Adding a little kick to your lunch will help speed up your metabolism. This can be done with the addition of some hot peppers or chilies. However, don’t make it an everyday practice or overdue it at once.

Take your time eating

The longer it takes you to eat your food, the easier it will be to drop weight. The act of chewing slowly has been proven to give you a quicker feeling of being full. Meals are not intended to be consumed quickly and should take around 20 minutes to finish.

Pour some wine

Studies have proven that drinking a glass of wine per day will increase the rate of weight loss. However, the key is not to overdo it. It was also proven that those who drank more than a couple of glasses of wine per day had more difficulty losing weight.

Keep the bedroom cool

When it is cold in your bedroom, your body is going to naturally produce more warmth. This will serve the function of burning off more calories because your body is working harder to keep you warm. So don’t be so quick to turn up that thermostat before bedtime.

Challenge yourself

Everyone is tempted by foods we probably should not be eating. If you fall victim to a nightly snack, set a challenge for yourself. Commit to running a half mile for every candy bar you eat or do 50 push-ups per scoop of ice cream. This may even deter you from reaching for that snack.

For some people, the biggest challenge of weight loss is getting started with a routine of healthy eating and exercise. While for others it may be difficult staying on track. Get assistance when you need it by working with a personal trainer. Alternatively for those who prefer the support of a group and sense of community, weekly fitness classes in Fort Mills might be the best place to jumpstart your weight loss mission.

A Diet That Will Get Rid of Cellulite

Unwanted fat on your thighs can be a confidence-killer. Many women struggle with losing cellulite, but the good news is that there are several ways to address this issue. In this article, an Everlasting Changes nutritional coach will explain how diet can help you get rid of cellulite.

Starting a diet is the first step towards losing cellulite. The ketogenic diet is a good choice as is the boiled egg diet. The premise behind these diets is to maintain an intake of low carbs. But there are also some tricks that will help with that process.

Flushing out the toxins from your body will speed up your metabolism. This is essential to dropping cellulite. You also do not need to take any diet supplements to accomplish this task. There are natural ways to flush all the toxins out of your body.

The best way to remove toxins is to drink water. And when you are done, drink some more. Approximately eight 16-ounce glasses of water per day should be sufficient. Sticking to this plan will also curb your appetite. More water and less carbs is a formula for eradicating cellulite. Our fitness trainers remind us that water intake should be increased to replace water lost during vigorous exercise and heat.

The next step of the process has to do with antioxidants, which is another way of removing toxins. Drinking green tea is a primary way of flushing toxins from your body. Three cups of green tea per day should be enough to do the trick.

Water with lemon can work at an even quicker pace. It is also important to note that lemon peels have more vitamins than the inside. Adding the peels with boiled water is a potent concoction that can fast track the process of flushing out toxins.

Ginger is another asset when trying to lose weight and cellulite. Ginger actually aids in creating body warmth, which also increases metabolism. You can make your own ginger drink by combining a piece of ginger (2-3 inches in length) with a couple cups of water. Boil the combination and then drink when it cools down a bit two times per day.

And don’t hesitate to add some juices to your daily diet. Make sure these juices are freshly squeezed. The glucose in the fruit will maintain your sugar level, which will allow you to remain active throughout the day.

All these dietary tips for losing cellulite should be coupled with an exercise plan for best results. Exercise alone will not be enough to get rid of cellulite in many cases. When you are ready to fight cellulite, start will a call to Everlasting Changes. A private fitness training session will teach you exercises that focus on problem areas and help you meet your ultimate goal.

Grains to Eat and Grains to Avoid When Trying to Lose Weight

There are a lot of different diets and workout plans that dictate what you should and should not eat. Grains are often included in those diets, although there is the perception that all grains are simply a form of carbs and should be avoided. That is not necessarily true. There are grains that are okay to eat and there are some you should avoid.

First, it is important to understand how grains function. They contain both fiber and carbs, although the ratio is something that is very important to consider. A breakfast cereal may have a small amount of fiber along with high carbs and make the claim it is whole-grain. Something essentially gets lost in translation.

The truth is fiber will give you a quicker feeling of being full and also help to suppress your appetite. That is because fiber is pretty much indigestible. So foods that contain lots of fiber will serve the function of helping to lose weight. The trick is knowing which grains are high in fiber and help with the weight loss process.

Types of Grains

Whole Grains are considered the best grain when trying to lose weight. They have lots of vitamins and nutrients and that has to do with the inclusion of bran, seed, germ and endosperm. Meanwhile, refined grains remove the germ and bran. The end result is a texture that is softer and finer. There is a process of refining the grain through which many of the nutrients are lost. Whole grains are in a more natural state.

Healthy Grains to Eat

Whole grains are the best choice when trying to lose weight and you should choose ones that have a lower Glycemic Index. This indicates that is packed with more vitamins and minerals. Below are some healthy whole grains to eat:

•    Brown rice -Loaded with vitamins and is low density.
•    Whole Oats – high in antioxidants and absorbs water, making you feel fuller
•    Quinoa – Rich with Vitamin B and also good for those intolerant to gluten
•    Whole rye – This has almost than half of the daily recommended iron intake
•    Whole-grain barley – Also helps lower cholesterol
•    Buckwheat – Grain with the highest protein content
•    Lentils – High in iron, calcium, protein and lots of other nutrients
•    Corn – Low calorie, rich source of magnesium and antioxidants

Grains to Avoid When Losing Weight

It is important to avoid refined grains as they are high in carbs and low in fiber. The nutritional value is low and the calorie count is high. Here are three grains that are not conducive for losing weight and may actually help you pack on pounds.

•    White rice
•    Wheat
•    Couscous

Consult with a nutritionist for more on healthy diets to promote weight loss.

How to Get That Body You’ve Always Wanted

Most of us have looked at a before and after picture of someone who achieved success on some kind of diet and fitness program. There is no reason that cannot happen to you. Transforming your body won’t happen immediately, as it takes time, work, consistency and discipline. But, setting reasonable goals for a healthier you inside and out can get you the body you have always wanted. Here are some helpful hints to move you along the process of achieving the look you truly want for yourself.


This is an obvious key to the process, but there are a lot of people who do not know where to begin. If it is possible, hiring a personal trainer will steer you in the right direction. But not all of us have the spare change to hire our own trainer. One of the starting points for many personal trainers is to focus on improving core strength, flexibility and balance. This can be done with bodyweight exercises. These are a great complement to consistent cardio workouts, which don’t have to be the same. You can switch up from the stationary bike and choose the elliptical machine, treadmill or even the rowing machine.

Join Some Classes

Getting involved with some cardio or conditioning fitness classes Fort Mill adds a different dynamic. Some trainers offer group sessions while most gyms have a variety of cardio classes to choose from. This could be any kind of conditioning class that utilizes bicycle, punching bags, kettle bells, jump rope or elliptical machines. There can also be an encouraging team dynamic in these classes.

Track Your Diet

Eating right involves a lot of work. To ensure you are on the right path, start with nutritional planning with an expert. Then, take advantage of one of the many fitness apps that are available to help keeps thing organized. This will help you plan your daily meals making easier to decide when and what to eat. Staying diligent with your daily diet is essential to transforming your body. This may take a little extra planning, but it will be well worth it in the end.

State of Mind

Preparing your mind for this kind of change and this type of workout regimen is just as important as the physical aspect. Remember that this is your body and you need to focus on it. That means having confidence when you go to the gym because you are there for yourself and no one else. However, those people that maybe lacking the confidence for an open gym workout still have the option of private training. Small gains are also important. Celebrate your weekly achievements and let that build your confidence. Changing your body is not going to happen overnight so it is important to stay consistent, confident and keep the end goal in mind.

In Fort Mill, there is one places to turn to for a full fitness experience. Everlasting Changes offers private training, small group classes, and large group classes to give everyone an experience they can enjoy. Visit the website to learn more about meal planning, trainers, and classes.

The Ketogenic Diet Drink List

Ketogenic diets have an immensity of benefits and to experience all those benefits, there is a need to watch what you drink. The diet is based on consuming high amounts of fat and low amounts of carbs. The process that goes on during this diet is called ketosis and to maximize that to its fullest, there is a need to consume what is referred to as ketogenic drinks. To help you along that ketogenic journey, here is a look at what to drink and what not to drink


This one is kind of self-explanatory. Water plays a key role in ketosis as it regulates body temperature and also does an excellent job of hydrating you at all times. And if water becomes too plain for your taste buds, try adding some herbs to up the flavor profile.


There is nothing wrong with having a morning coffee while on a ketogenic diet. Just remember to avoid adding sugar. The addition of sugar will have an impact on the process of ketosis in your body. The safest bet is to drink it black. Some alternatives to coffee are different teas, which include the green, black and herbal varieties,


Alcoholic Beverages

Many veto veterans will advise you to refrain from drinking any type of alcohol. However, if you want to indulge yourself with a drink, there are options outside of going cold turkey. Hard liquor is a popular choice and there are also light beers that are acceptable along with unsweetened wines.  Choose a stiff drink that is free of sugar and do not overindulge on your drink of choice.

Smoothies, Sodas and Energy Drinks

Smoothies and sodas do not sound like a ketogenic option, although there are exceptions. There is nothing wrong with drinking a smoothie that is made from fruits or vegetables, presuming it is low in carbs. Two popular options for keto smoothies are berries and spinach. They work well mixed with avocado fat, yogurt that is high in fat, or egg yolks.

When it comes to sodas, diet soda and club soda are both acceptable. The common theme of sugar-free remains intact when choosing your soda. There are also brands that add a bit of a fruit flavor to their sugar-free sodas. There is not much wiggle room as far as energy drinks go. They must have zero carbs and low calories, without exception.

We wish you luck on your ketogenic journey! Nutritional coaching is available at Everlasting Changes for those looking for assistance with meal planning that offers proper nutrition and supports their fitness goals.

Battling the Aging Process with High Intensity Training

Every day, each one of us gets a little bit older. It does not take an advanced education to know this fact. However, researchers have been looking into ways to slow the aging process and one method is through high intensity fitness training. That’s right, train with high intensity and you may delay the inevitable. Everlasting Changes fitness trainers will attest to that as well.

Researchers at Brigham Young University revealed that adults who exercise at high levels of intensity have a nine-year biological aging advantage compared to adults who lead a sedentary life. To be considered as part of the former group, 30-40 minutes of high-level activity, such as running, is completed five days a week.


The reason behind these findings has to do with something called telomeres, which are closely linked to our biological clocks. Telomeres are measured in length. Longer telomeres are aligned with better aging and people with shorter telomeres have stronger indications of cellular aging. This study measured highly active adults against sedentary adults and found shorter telomeres on those who were not active.

So what does all this mean?

It means that getting out and exercising will make you look and feel younger than your actual age. It also means that sustaining an activity considered to be high intensity will keep a person’s telomeres elongated.

This does not mean that those who are looking to delay the aging process have to go out and train like they are going to be a Navy Seal. But it does mean that they should engage in jogging or bike riding for 30 to 40-minute intervals multiple times a week. A personal trainer is perfect when trying to find the right balance. Now, this is one study and while it is respected in academia, it is not a full-proof plan for stopping the hands of time. We will all get older and sooner or later, we will all show our age.

But the benefits of sustained exercise help to suppress inflammation and also reduces chemical imbalances in the body, which could be harmful to our chromosomes. Getting up and working out has its perks. It can help us live longer and even look a little bit younger. One of the benefits of living in an age where there is so much scientific research is that we can be introduced to healthier ways to live our life. In the end, it is up to each one of us to go out and keep our telomeres long with some good old-fashioned exercise.

How Long To Wait Before Training The Same Muscle?

There is a long-standing topic of debate that focuses on how often you should train the same muscle. One of the cardinal rules is to wait 2-3 days. While that may work for some people, it is not a universal rule, as there are many factors to consider.

The first thing to know is that the recovery period for one person is not the same as the next person. The more you get into a steady routine, the more familiar you will become with your muscles’ ability to recover. Sometimes, it is merely a method of trial and error. And it is also important to listen to your body. Soreness is a sign that you are not ready to max out that same muscle right away. For those who may be uncertain about how many off days to take and don’t have a personal trainer to ask, here are some suggestions.

Age consideration

This is not just how old you are, but also how long you have been training. Those who have just started out may need a little more recovery time before working out the same muscles. Those in the intermediate training phase have a little more know-how and the advanced person knows exactly how much time to take between training. Age also plays a part as recovery periods are longer for those higher up in age.


Your smaller muscles will experience a quicker recovery time than your bigger muscles. For example, working out your biceps can be done in quicker intervals than your back workouts. And if you have worked out quite a few muscles, which could be a result of deadlifting, your recovery time might be the same for all body parts. It is also important to remember that some muscles are used when training different body parts. Your triceps are used during a chest day, which is usually a result of bench pressing. And an arm day a couple days later retrains your triceps.

upper body weight training, muscle building workout


A light day does not mean you have to wait a full week to resume the same workout. The level of intensity makes a huge difference. Some fitness training differs according to the sport. Those training for an extreme sport will use a different level of intensity than those training more leisurely. This means their downtime and rest periods should be adjusted accordingly.

It does not come down to a set number of days, but a simple judgment call. And when it comes to training your body, you are the best judge. Just listen to your body and follow the previously-mentioned steps to develop your own recovery timeframe. While resting your sore muscles, be sure to continue with a healthy nutritional plan, adequate sleep, and regular stretches to help your body recovery at its best.

Healthy Indian Breakfast Choices That Will Keep You in Good Shape

The search for healthy foods that do not taste like dry paste is an ongoing endeavor for fitness gurus all over the world. Meanwhile, eating the same type of healthy foods can become stale and uninspiring day after day. When it comes time to select your next healthy breakfast option, consider eating a Desi dish.  Desi is the term used to refer to a type of Indian food. Here is a look at some of the Desi, or Indian, dishes that will help in keeping you trim and fit.

Indian masala omelette. (Image from a Tesco Real Food recipe.)

Masala Omelette
This can be made as an omelette and everyone who has ever tried to eat right knows the importance of eggs. This dish is rich in protein and typically contains turmeric powder, onions, and coriander. For those who like an extra kick, chilies can be added.

Oats Pahoa
Oatmeal is a known healthy breakfast staple, although the desi twist is a little different. Using the previously mentioned masala, whip up a bowl of oats and add in a little of capsicum to flavor. This breakfast dish can also include onion and tomato.

This breakfast is comparable to a crepe, although it is a much healthier version. There are multigrain varieties that make this type of breakfast food better for fitness-minded people. Instead of adding sugary sides, it is common to eat dosa with vegetables.

Idli Sambar
This desi dish is extremely healthy as it contains a lot of protein, vitamins and minerals. It is a South Indian food that is two parts. The Idli is a type of rice cake that is steamed. The sambra is a blend of vegetables which is typically prepared in a pressure cooker. The combination does not take long to prepare and is a great way to start your day. This makes it great for those going to morning fitness classes at Everlasting Changes.

This breakfast is a type of flatbread filled with vitamins and minerals and is also rich in magnesium and calcium, while providing an ample amount of protein. The low-calorie dish is considered a delicacy and is made with wheat flour and coriander leaves.

Besan Cheela
Besan is actually chickpea flour, which is an excellent source of protein. This dish is comparable to a healthy pancake and can also be enhanced with the addition of a chutney. A typical recipe has about 124 calories and around 7 grams of protein per serving. There is the option of adding tomatoes and onions for flavor.

Being in good shape also means being healthy. A nutritional coaching professional is a great way to ensure a diet supports your fitness goals as well as your overall health. Visit our website to learn more about the benefits meal planning and fitness training services.

Get Ripped With High Intensity Interval Training

Most people who work out are looking for that perfect formula that will chisel their bodies. No matter what type of routine you select, accounting for consumed calories with nutritional planning is an everyday part of the endeavor. When that is in place, then comes time to select the training method that will get you ripped.

It is important to understand that effort, alone, is not enough. Committing to an exercise program that emphasizes an activity like long distance running will build up your endurance, but it is not a guaranteed to get you ripped. Those who run lengthy distances may also experience a decrease in weight, which can present a whole new set of health risks. So, if you are looking to get lean, you don’t have to run to the next town over and back again. There is another way of training that works.

High intensity interval training pushes you during your workouts and does not require you to run for miles. The premise behind this unique program is to push yourself through brief but intense anaerobic exercises. Whatever type of workout you choose should be done in short increments with high intensity. You can even rest briefly between intervals.

There is even high intensity interval training for runners. Alternating sprints with periods of rest or slow running serves the function of increasing strength in your muscles. It also bolsters the cardiovascular system while accelerating your body’s ability to burn fat. Blood sugar is improved as well. And all this can be accomplished without having to maintain a steady, monotonous jog all through your town.

The secret sauce behind high intensity interval training is fat burning. Clinical studies have proven that high intensity intervals of cardio equate to more fat loss when compared to workouts with lower intensity. And the fat burning does not stop once your high intensity interval workout is through. For the 24-hour period following the workout, your metabolic rate will remain increased. Your sensitivity to insulin will improve in your muscles and growth hormones will also see a rise. This is just a scientific way of saying you will burn calories all day long.

One of the most important components is high intensity. If you are sprinting, then do it as fast as you can. Pushing your muscles is key for this type of training to succeed. Remember, it is called high intensity for a reason and it is up to you to bring that intensity.

Start a high intensity training program with one-on-one help from a fitness training today by contacting Everlasting Changes in Fort Mill, SC.


Here’s A New Perspective…

Here’s A New Perspective…

Do you exercise with the hopes of reaching a specific number on the scale? Or are you wishing to fit into a certain size dress or jeans? While having a goal is great, it will NOT ensure your success.

Consider how many people you know who have had a specific weight that they wanted to reach. You are likely one of them. This number might have been posted up on a sticky note on the fridge, reminding you to watch what you eat and consistently make it to the gym. Maybe this number was updated and recorded everyday, to enforce accountability.

How long did that last? A week? Two weeks? Statistics dictate that it likely didn’t last longer than a few weeks until that “goal number” began to fade from your life. Then you took it down off the fridge, or you stared at it defiantly as you reached for the off-limits food. You began to look at your goal number as an adversary rather than something good.

I’m going to clue you in on a new perspective that may help you when it comes to fitness, fat loss, and achieving any goal. Read on, this one is worthwhile.


This may go against everything you’ve come to believe about achieving a goal, but then, your techniques haven’t exactly been working. The number that you’re hoping to magically be one day doesn’t matter one bit, and here’s why…


Can you remember how it felt the last time that you ate clean, exercised hard and got adequate sleep for a few consecutive days? A feeling of momentum came over you, didn’t it? There was a buzzing in your cells and a rhythm in your pace. You felt alive, you felt sexy, and you felt empowered. Never mind that you weren’t yet at your goal number, you were headed there!

Getting down to your goal weight, and fitting into your goal size, is the direct result of living in that state of momentum for an extended period of time. You see, the momentum can be felt immediately, once you start eating clean, exercising hard and taking care of your health, whereas that “goal number” simply can’t be felt until it is achieved, and so it’s not as powerful a motivator.

My challenge and advice to you is to find the joy of living in the momentum, and keep that momentum going until your goal number is achieved. Focus only on the momentum, not on the number.

Fitness is a way of life. Being lean is a lifestyle. Neither of which can be had by going about it halfheartedly.

You have to become the momentum.

Call or email me today and we will get your momentum started on the exercise program that will reshape your body once and for all!

Here’s Why Sugar Ruins Your Health

Have you forgotten how terrible refined sugar is for your body? Despite being well-known as the most fattening ingredient, most of us still eat it everyday! Here’s reminder of why sugar ruins your health:

Sugar contributes to obesity
Sugar suppresses the immune system
Sugar causes hyperactivity and anxiety
Sugar consumption contributes to disease
Sugar interferes with absorption of minerals

Easy Green Bean, Egg and Quinoa Salad

Here’s a tasty way to eat your green beans – tossed with quinoa, sliced plum and topped with hard boiled egg. This type of salad, where the base is a steamed vegetable and protein is added on top, makes a phenomenally fit meal that will help get you to your fitness goals faster than ever. Enjoy!

Courtesy of RealHealthyRecipes.com

What you need

Serves 4

1 cup cooked red quinoa
2 cups green beans, steamed and cut into 1 inch pieces
1 ripe plum, thinly sliced
2 hard-boiled eggs, sliced
2 teaspoons sesame oil
2 Tablespoons fresh lime juice
½ teaspoon sea salt
ground black pepper


Combine the quinoa, beans, plum and egg in a large bowl.

Drizzle with the sesame oil, lime juice, salt and pepper. Mix well and enjoy!


One serving equals 225 calories, 7g fat, 270mg sodium, 31g carbohydrate, 5g fiber, and 10g protein

Call us now for 3 risk-free, complimentary sessions. We include a 30-day guarantee on all of our packages.
