Hey, you ready to get a 7-figure body to match your 7-figure business?
You’re sick of feeling tired, out of shape and old!
You’re tired of being STUCK “yo-yo’ing” year after year, only to gain more weight after each next best exercise routine or fad diet.
And you know that if you could just find a way to…
- stay consistent
- keep yourself accountable
- systemize your meal prep and planning
- make your workouts easier and less time consuming

you’d finally be able to get a 7-figure body fast and be more successful with your business, family and your life, just like Bunnie:

Don’t get me wrong…
I am sure hours of endless cardio and the latest,
greatest fad diet feels like it may be working right now.
But don’t you think the amount of time and energy you have to give
to exercise and your diet is overwhelming and stressful??
Something’s got to give. Especially when there’s a faster,
easier way to get a 7-figure body!

- Doing endless hours of cardio at the gym
- Killing yourself to keep up in large group classes
- Overwhelmed with meal prepping and planning
- Stressed about the amount of effort, but lack of results
- You get bored doing endless hours of cardio and quit
- You starve yourself on a restrictive diet for little to no results
- You get hurt or injured in a large group class that sets you back several months

- You compare yourself to others and feel worse about yourself, so you stop going
- You become intimidated at the gym and embarrassed to try any other equipment except the treadmill
- You become overwhelmed and stressed trying to manage it all & quit leaving you feeling like a failure
Sound about right?
We’ve helped so many others like you to not just lose weight,
but to get results they never thought possible.

Look, there are two types of high-achievers trying to lose weight…
Type #1 bounces from
gym to gym,
group class to group class,
fad diet to fad diet,
pill to pill…
searching for an easier way to lose weight,
drop body fat
and get results
without a lot of time and energy.
But, despite their efforts, the weight keeps packing on,
the sizes keep going up and the confidence keeps going down.
And instead of sticking with it,
they take time off figuring the lack of results
is not worth the effort and I’ve failed yet another program.
Why does this happen?
Because the fitness world is full of “fads” that promise you fast solutions,
but deliver short term results.
And the weight typically lost, is muscle weight…
not fat
so you burn less calories when the program ends
leading you to gain more weight than what was lost.
Unfortunately, you don’t know what you don’t know
and the industry is making millions off of you for it.
But let’s talk about Type #2:
They’re getting consistent long-lasting results
week after week, month after month
They’re dropping body fat and pant sizes
They’re following an easy meal plan with lots of variety
They only workout 3 times per week for only 30 mins and enjoy every minute of it
They order their groceries online in seconds
They systemize their menu so meals can be done in less than 15 mins
They gain confidence
They become more focused and productive
They enjoy life because they can be and do so much more
and are proud of the person they’ve become
Still, the question is….

After helping thousands of busy entrepreneurs much like myself to not only lose weight and drop body fat, but to keep the weight off while maintaining a busy lifestyle filled with two kids, changing school schedules, lots of after school activities all while maintaining a scaling business…
EXACTLY what you’re going through now, I finally cracked the code.
Brent and I get it! Me personally was just like you…
I was cardio crazed…
diet deprived…
tried gym memberships,
friends for accountability,
Zumba, bootcamp, dance fitness,
pill after pill,
and I always was left disappointed, feeling like a failure
and quit with little to no results
for lots of time, energy and effort…
And this was for the first 30 years of my life.
One day, I decided that doing the same thing over and over and over again…
just didn’t make sense.
SO I decided to zip my lips, listen to Brent
and follow his strength based training routines
And I was so glad that I did…
I lost 15 lbs the first month.
And once I paired it with eating right…
I lost an additional 50.
All together, I lost 65 lbs right and have never looked back!
It hasn’t always been easy though!
When I got married, life got very busy!
We opened a business and had our first child within the first two years!
So obviously, I had to learn time-saving solutions to keep it off
and those solutions paired with our training methods
are the ones we use today and have helped thousands before you
to get the body they’ve always wanted!
ALL the same time-saving solutions we now teach in…
Our 7-Figure Body Blueprint

- Tighten and tone by gaining lean muscle
- Lose weight and drop body fat
- Systemize your meal planning
- Put your grocery shopping and meal prepping on autopilot
- Start getting consistent results that last
- Have the energy to start spending your time being active and having fun
- Enjoying your family and scaling your business with your new found confidence
How Will Our 7-Figure Body Blueprint Help You?
It Walks You Step by Step How to Set Your Food and Fitness on Autopilot

Most trying to lose weight start with an “idea” to lose weight. They have no idea how much they need to lose, they want to lose… and most time they down play numbers for fear of failure…
This module teaches you how to “Gear Up Your Goal Setting” by reverse engineering your numbers using the SMART goal setting system to make a 30-day, 90-day and 6-month goals to keep you on track. Once a goal has been made, it’s impossible to not hit it! This allows you to keep yourself on track so you’re always pushing forward towards your goal and not allowing yourself to get lax and quit.

Everything in 7-Figure Body Blueprint is incredibly powerful when you put it to use.
But what happens if you skip out on this opportunity?
Where will you be for Spring Break or your next vacation?
Where will you be for your next date night?
Where will you be for the summer?
Next year?
Three years from now?
Still spending a lot of time doing endless hours of cardio…
starving to death on the next fad diet…
and still struggling to lose the same weight over and over again
only to continuously increase in pant sizes?
And what happens if you do take advantage of this limited time steal on our 7-Figure Body Blueprint?
- You'll lose weight, drop body fat, inches and decrease your pant size
- You'll gain lean muscle, tighten and tone every inch of your body
- You'll quickly get your workouts done in 3-30 minute sessions weekly
- You'll get your groceries, meal planning and prep done for the week in less than 1 hour
- You'll become consistent with your diet and exercise making your results come easy
- You won't waste time or work harder then necessary
- You'll automate your meal planning and prep making meals super simple
- And you'll finally be able to get the dream body you've always wanted
- You'll enjoy life to the fullest with more energy, productivity, focus and overall excitement for living life
- You'll quit feeling depressed about your weight and how you look and feel
- You'll stop feeling like you have to cover every roll, crease and wrinkle to the feel alright about yourself
- You won't think this is it for you and that age is like a disease
I ask because our 7-Figure Body Blueprint is designed to get you exactly that, and you start seeing results within the first few days you start taking action!
Now, we help our clients with losing weight and getting in shape a few different ways:
Our face to face clients are paying 5 figures for us
to help them implement the methods you learn in this program.
Our online app based clients are paying $5,000+
to get advice from us on a personal level.
And normally, this program is priced at $997.
But, because this is our first launch AND we’re wanting to collect lots of before-afters
and testimonials from you guys like with our face to face
(over 500+ 5 star reviews to be exact) you get LIFETIME access to this for…

Robbie Smith
Maria Phillips
Maria Stone
Romin Shah
Chance Kennedy
Ashley Brown

Jen Delavega
Chandra Kennedy
Brenna Kolumba
Bunnie Todd
Jack McGuire
Elizabeth Anderson